Pump Salon
Location | Contact |
2739 Edmondson RdCincinnati, OH 45209 |
513.841.1110 contactus@pumpsalon.com www.pumpsalon.com |
Created in 2000, Pump Salon was opened with the vision of fostering an environment where creative and passionate stylists (those who eat, drink and sleep hair) could master their craft. Through our apprentice and continuing education programs, and our unbelievably talented stylists, we have been able to fulfill our original vision. Along this journey, something else happened. Pump Salon’s vibrant atmosphere cultivated a professional family. We became a group of people who really like each other, who teach each other something every day, both creative and life lessons, and we love sharing this passion with our clients.
Payment Methods

Bumble & bumble, Wella, EIMI